Àâòîð: bor_27
Ññûëêà: http://pokazuha.ru/view/topic.cfm?key_or=935350

Ëó÷øèé ñïîñîá çàìàíèòü ëþáèìîãî â ñïàëüíþ! È ñåêñóàëüíî è î÷àðîâàòåëüíî !!! - 20 ôîòî.

Age: 21
Eyecolor: GREEN
Haircolor: BROWN
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Breast Size: Medium
Measurements: 92/60/88
Country: Czech Republic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Bio: My legs are my best feature.” Says the wonderfully long legged Elance. “I have always had long legs. When I was younger, it made me awkward sometimes. As I got older though, I guess I grew into them. Now, I love them. When I wear a short dress, everyone stops and looks.” She says with a shy grin. We have to say, she is even more eye catching out of that short dress.